Working with large projects...
We have now many customers using long rods with quite heavy fabric and artwork on. Here is a couple of tips that could help to optimize the work position result.
- Remember to line the fabric 100% along both rods
- Make an extra round with the fabric twisted around the rod before start tighten it
- Remember to help the motor with your hand on the rod when tighten to "drum
- If you have started with your artwork on another frame, you should roll out your
abric and put in some extra fabric or some piece of cloths (if needed) to avoid a
kind of banana shape when working on the artwork.
- Remember to always have some extra fabric on the ends so you easily get
enough to turn it around the rods before tightening.
- If you have a very heavy artwork, always check if you have tighten all the screws
as described in the manual
- Check if the legs are placed right for your setup to make it as stable as possible
- Remember that the legs could be put in different direction if that works better for
your setup
- You could also put on some extra weight on the legs to get it more stabel
- Take a look at other users comments on the Cross Stitch Stands And Frames
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