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        Picture of Kristoffer, adjusted and imported to the Cross stitch creator  App for iPad.

        Size: 220 x 407 cross stitch
        Colors: 149

        AIDA 14 court

        The stitch work has been done with one color at the time, which means finishing up one color throughout the motif before moving on to the next color. This is an easy and efficient method of stitching, and gives the stitcher a good way to keep track of treads used. By using this method, you need to move the fabric up and down more often than if one were to stitch with multiple colors at a time. However, this is much less of a problem with the Albert frame. You can just flick a switch and scroll to your next sweet spot. During a days work on this artwork, using the mentioned one-color method, a 10-20 different positions of fabric scrolling was necessary. By using the Albert, however, there was no need to disassemble the frame, adjust the stitch rolls by hand and then reassemble the frame with the new position on the fabric. One only needs to use the switches on the side bar of the Albert to reposition and/or adjust the fabric position/tightness.

        Here is a picture of Kristoffer with the artwork, just before the finish line.