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        Thank you for choosing the Albert Swing Away adapter (Swingbert). This manual is an amendment to the Albert Frame & Stand Manual and must be used as a supplement in the installation phase.

        The Swing Away feature must be used with caution to avoid an overload situation. 

        The Swing Away adapter


        The Swing Away Adapter consist of 2 main parts. The actual swing unit which shall be placed on the central main vertical bar on the Albert stand and a metal bar which is attached to this adapter horizontal and brought to the position you want the swing function to start. Also see: 





        1.) Start with the Albert Stand placed in the position you prefer. The adapter could be mounted when placing the stand on the side or in the front. Just put the adapter metal bar into your preferred direction when you have placed the stand where you want to have it. (To get the best balance, the longest  legs of the stand should point to where you sit.)

        2.) Then follow the steps in the pictures above.https://youtu.be/ABhPXqZVOE8 

        3.) When you have got the frame connection part in the position you want, you can start mounting the frame on it. The best position on the connection part of the frame, is when it`s screwed tight in a horizontal position like in the middle picture below.

        4.) When the frame is mounted, make sure iit feels steady. If not, you must go over the different screw connections on the stand follow the below guidance.


        NOTE: If the inner metal bar is under a clamped tension (meaning, that the inner metal bar is not in a loose-fitting position when one tightens the screw) the screw will loosen somewhat when the pressure in the frame changes during use/movement. Make sure you have the position shown in the above pictures when tightening the screw.



        Furthermore, it is important that the metal bar to be tightened by the screw hangs freely (loose fit) and is not under any kind of tension when tightening the screw.

        Close and release button


         You swing it into work position, and it click in lock mode automatically.

        To release it, just pull up the button up and simultaneous start swing it away…

        For left side placement of the Albert Stand:

        1. Make sure the longest legs of the frame point to where you sit.

        2. Go over all the mounting screws as described above

        3. The adapter will on the left side needs to be mounted upside down in comparison with the right side. This have to be done so the stop/release button is  on the inner side of the central stand bar. (So the weight of the stand works well with the stop/release button.)

         Video instructions: https://2hubbies.com/pages/albert-key-benefit-videos