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        First of all, we work under the umbrella: "Make stitching more fun"

        Our products shall:

        Help to use less time on the part that is not about the stitching it self

        Make your result tighter and easier to do

        Less physical turn around and mounting/demounting of the frame

        And easily get your stitching "sweet spot" in the center at any time...


        1. Tips - Tighten the rolls for "drum stick" fabric to stitch on

        After rolling the fabric to the point you wats to work on. Take your left hand on    the bottom roll and twist slightly as you use the lower switch with your right
        hand to tighten it to the level you want.

        2. Tips - You do not have to turn around the frame to anchor the

        Instead of turning the frame, just roll the frame and anchor the tread directly on  the roll (will be the back side of the fabric...)

        3. Tips - avoid less bended rods when working with long fabric...



        When you work with longer rods (with traditional frames), you will find that tightening the fabric bends the rods. When using the Albert frame, much of this effect is eliminated as the tightening does not take place by increasing the distance on the side but tightening the fabric with electric motors ...


        4. Tips - Working with larger projects

        We have  many customers using long rods with quite heavy projects on. Here is a couple of tips that could help to optimize the work position. 

        - Remember to line the fabric 100% along both rods

        - Make an extra round with the fabric twisted around the rods before start tighten 

        - Remember to help the motor with your hand on the rod when tighten to "drum

        - If you have started with your artwork on another frame, you should roll out your
           fabric and put in some extra fabric or some piece of cloths (if needed) to avoid a
           kind of banana shape when working on the artwork.

        - Remember to always have some extra fabric on the ends so you easily get
           enough to turn it around the rods before tightening.

        - If you have a very heavy artwork, always check if you have tighten all the screws
          as described in the manual

        - Check if the legs are placed right for your setup to make it as stable as possible

        - Remember that the legs could be put in different direction if that works better for
           your setup

        - You could also put on some extra weight on the legs to get it more stabel

        - Take a look at other users comments on the Cross Stitch Stands And Frames 
           Facebook side and search for Albert